A new approach to sustainability
A new approach to sustainability
Turn your organization into a key CO-RESTORER by partnering with communities and everyday people who are dedicating their lives to restore our world’s most sensitive ecosystems. Invest a monthly contribution to combat deforestation, biodiversity loss, and climate change.
Our program goes beyond traditional carbon offsetting by fostering meaningful relationships with communities at the frontlines of environmental protection and restoration.
Lead the members of your organization to become stewards of our Earth's key ecosystems by contributing a small amount each month.
Choose from one of these plans or contact us to design you own plan.
We will send reports with photos and descriptions of activities to your organization every month throughout the duration of the plan. Reports include information on the number of seeds collected, saplings grown, trees planted, old-growth trees conserved, acres conserved & restored, and more, but those statistics will not be what your organization remembers most.
Organizations and their members will feel a deep connection to the people who are dedicating their lives to changing how we live on Earth. They will be drawn to the intersection of environmental and social justice and recognize how they come together in the form of cultural survival, community autonomy, access to education and the production of nutritious food.
Carbon offsetting
Offsetting typically focuses on projects that only measure carbon mitigation and do not offer long-term solutions for locals. They tend to lack metrics on social impact or community engagement.
Offsetting is a tool to maintain our way of life. Sustainability means compensating for our lifestyle without changing our mindsets.
Offsetting focuses on balancing numbers through trades and transactions. The transactions overshadow the real-life connections with the ecosystems we protect.
Offsetting can lack transparency and there are concerns about their effectiveness. Transactions occur in a market and significant costs are invested into third-party verification.
Carbon onsetting
Onsetting supports local projects that measure social, economic, and environmental impact. They are mission & values driven and include metrics in income generation, education & mindsets.
Onsetting encourages us to make life changes. Sustainability means forming meaningful relationships and changing our mindsets.
Onsetting focuses on creating a new system that makes numerical balancing irrelevant. The real-life connections are converted into grassroots projects that we do together.
Onsetting promotes trust and transparency based on bilateral relationships..Institutional partners can visit the local projects they support and see how funds are turned into effectiveness.
These are metrics that your institution can use to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and the impact of their efforts depending on the chosen plan:
Biomass and Reforestation:
Increase in Biomass: Demonstrate the increase in biomass through the growth of trees and other vegetation in reforested areas.
Acres of Restored Land: Track the number of restored acres in both the Amazon and Andean ecosystems.
Tree Species Planted: Document the variety and number of native tree species planted, enhancing ecosystem resilience and biodiversity.
Biodiversity Improvement:
Species Protected: Record the number of endangered and native species supported through habitat restoration and protection.
Habitat Restoration: Report on the creation, maintenance and improvement of habitats that support a diverse range of flora and fauna.
Wildlife Sightings: Monitor and report sightings of key wildlife species in restored areas, indicating the health of the ecosystem.
Community Impact:
Families Benefited: Report the number of families directly benefiting from the program, including those involved in restoration and trading organic products.
Economic Improvement: Showcase the increase in income and economic stability for participating families through sustainable practices and product sales.
Continuing Education Outcomes: Highlight the number of community members receiving environmental education, the number of certifications, and the expansion of educational programs to new communities. Share results from questionnaires related to the community’s growth, change and development.
Youth Education:
Students Educated: Count the number of students participating in the Forest School, as well as those participating in forest protector workshops and other educational initiatives.
Curriculum Development: Describe and share new educational materials and curricula developed to support environmental education.
Water Conservation:
Water Projects Implemented: Count the number of water conservation and decontamination projects established.
Water Quality Improvement: Measure improvements in water quality in streams and rivers affected by the projects.
Community Engagement:
Volunteer Participation: Track the number of visitors (including students, faculty, and staff) who participate in community-based restoration activities.
Partnerships Formed: Report on new partnerships with local communities and other organizations supporting sustainability efforts.
Cultural Revitalization:
Traditional Practices Restored: Document traditional practices that communities claim are being revived through the program.
Cultural Education: Measure the impact of cultural education on community members, particularly the younger generation, through questionnaires to the community.
Involvement of Women and Girls:
Economic Return: Highlight the return on investment from involving women in the program (research shows that for each dollar invested in women, there is a return of $3 due to increased productivity and economic activity - World Economic Forum, 2023).
Women in Leadership: Track the number of women in leadership roles within the projects.
Empowerment Programs: Report on programs or projects specifically designed to empower women and girls, enhancing their skills and economic opportunities.
Trade of Organic Products:
Volume of Organic Products Traded: Measure the quantity and variety of organic products produced and sold by the communities.
Market Expansion: Report the growth in markets for organic products, both within the communities and externally.